Monday, April 15, 2013

The Un-Green Smoothie

I am so thrilled by the positive response that my blog posts have been getting. So many people have told me that they can't wait to try these recipes or that this was just the positive encouragement that they needed to help them be more healthy in their life. I can't tell you how happy this makes me! For me, it isn't necessarily about reaching thousands of people, although that would be wonderful, but if my posts can make a difference in just one person's life, then I consider this blog a success!!

Today, I wanted to talk about how to eat your greens without knowing that you are doing it. Most of us know that the most nutritious fruits and veggies are the darkest and brightest colored ones. Dark greens, reds, oranges...these are filled with tons or vitamins and minerals that our bodies crave to stay in optimal health. And if you didn't already know that, then NEWS FLASH!! EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGGIES! But, for some reason, many kids and even adults just won't eat anything green! I really don't know why the greens get the bad rap. To me, there are worse tasting beets, which I really have to trick myself into, what do you do when your kids...or even adults...won't eat all of those awesome green veggies!!?

Solution: throw them in a smoothie with other fruits/veggies and other healthy treats that change the color from green to red, purple, or chocolate...and TA-DA!! No more green smoothie!! And, I promise, they won't even know the "icky green stuff" is in there! Believe me, I had to do this for my husband at first...apparently if it is green it isn't appealing, even though he loves his spinach salads, but if it looks like chocolate, well, then the world isn't ending anymore!

So, what are some things you can add that change the flavor or color of a green smoothie? How about peanut butter (no more than 2 tbsp)! This will add some protein and a strong nutty flavor that really makes your taste buds forget everything else.  Try adding some frozen berries! These nutrient rich babies will make your smoothie a nice deep shade of red or purple! Or, everyone's favorites, chocolate! Add 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder to your shake and you might even think your were drinking a chocolate milkshake!

If you suffer from spinach-phobia, try this recipe on for size:

What you will need:

  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1/2 banana
  • 8-10 oz of almond milk or non-fat milk
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Natural sweetener like stevia or agave to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 4-6 ice cubes
  • Optional - 1/2 tsp maca powder
  • Optional - 1 scoop Amazing Greens Chocolate Greens Superfood

  1. Add ingredients to Vita-Mix or other high powdered blender
  2. Blend until smooth
  3. Pour in glass and drink until all gone!

See! It is more chocolate than green, but you can really add more cocoa powder until all the green is gone if you wish (Note: I actually added only about 1/2 tbsp in mine)! My daughter gets so excited when I turn the blender on in the morning! She can't wait until I bring the glass over to her to have a drink!

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