Friday, August 2, 2013

The Glorification of Busy & Healthy Chicken Salad

I have seen and heard this quote all over the place lately. It seems like it is popping up everywhere I go, and maybe that is not a coincidence.

“Stop the glorification of busy.”

At first glance, you probably brushed this off just like I did, saying, “This does not apply to me.” But, then after you let this sink in for a bit, you started to wonder, “Do I do that?” or “What does that even mean?”

When my husband and I were dating, we used to make little lists of things we wanted to do together, and then check those things off as we went, even if it was just a list to the grocery store.  He liked making lists as much as I did, and it was always something we could do together, even if it seemed like something very small and insignificant.  And, on our wedding day, I vowed to him that we would make hundreds more lists together, because that was our little special thing. Well, fast forward 2 ½ years later, and my husband requested that we write a list for something or other…I don’t remember what right now…but what I do remember was that I was too busy to make the time to write that list, even though it would have only taken seconds. He then reminded me of my promise, more as a way to get my attention, but that really hit home with me. Did I really just blow off something that would take seconds to do, but meant more to both him and me than anything else I was doing that day because I was what…busy????!! That was pretty lame of me!

But, the fact is, we get busy in our lives doing the mundane day to day things, and many times for others in our family, but sometimes we lose sight of the little things that matter most. In our society, we seem to be judged by the number of things we accomplish in a day, week, month, whatever. We further glorify this by calling it “multi-tasking.” I take pride in being able to multi-task, as most Moms do. But, what sacrifices have I made at the expense of my pride?

So, I asked myself, am I too busy to sit down and read to my child when she brings me a book while I am washing the dishes and cleaning? Am I too busy to make something healthy for my family to eat or would I rather pop some processed food item into the microwave just because it takes fewer minutes to make? Or should I blow off spending a few minutes of quality time with my husband to make a short little list because am I too busy cleaning the house or some other project that I gave myself that could be put on hold for a bit?

When I phrase it like that, it really puts things into perspective for me.

If you are like me, it might take you a while to realize these things, or maybe you are a quicker study than me and already have this figured out. Either way, it is still a process and sometimes we need a little reminder (thank you husband!).

And, just in case you need a quick, easy, healthy recipe for you and your family instead of tossing something into the microwave for lunch or dinner, here is one of my favorite go-to recipes!

Healthy Chicken Salad (with vegan option)

Serves 4-6

Here's what you will need:
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 2-3 cooked boneless skinless chicken breasts (can sub with 2 cans drained garbanzo beans for vegan option)
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups seedless grapes
  • 3/4 cup raw almonds
  1. Place almonds into food processor and chop into small pieces, but not fine powder.
  2. Tear chicken up into pieces so it fits into the food processor. Add chicken and remainder of ingredients to food processor and blend.
  3. Either serve or place into refrigerator.

Let's face it. We are all busy! But, there are still ways to make time for the things that matter, and eating healthy, clean, wholes foods does matter!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lis! See, I got so "busy" I didn't even call you back yet!! SO BAD! But I will...I haven't forgotten! I am so excited about your new blog!! <3

  2. So weird that you posted this today! I was just thinking about you this morning after I dropped Colton off at day care. And thought to myself I've been so "busy" I haven't even checked in on you to see how you are. This post hit home in more than one ways for me today...thanks for the reminder. I'm right there with you! And thanks for the recipe, I'm deff going to give this one a try! XO

    1. Awww, I miss you too Am! I think we all need a gentle...or sometimes more harsh reminder about this. ;) <3

  3. your post reminded me of this....

    1. I was thinking of a talk when I wrote it too. I can't remember the exact one, but that is a good one too!
