Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Busy Yogi

Today turned out to be a much busier day than I planned! All I was planning to do was run up to my old work at UCD to teach a lunch time beginners yoga class, then go take my friends class at Akasha Vacaville in the afternoon. But, that changed very quickly.

I still taught the beginners class at UCD, which will now be a weekly class every Thursday. However, I was also asked to sub the 4:30 class at Akasha Davis! Woohoo! My first time teaching a class where everything was my own!! There were 17 students, so a medium sized class and it was great! I had lots of compliments, so I was very happy. Then I was asked to take the 6:00 class, since the sub was a guest teacher in the Davis area. It was a great class!

I definitely brought this to the forefront today...you never know what the day might bring, so be flexible!  I think we can apply this in all of our lives. I know that this is especially helpful for me as a mom! :)

Assisting classes and teaching the beginner class at UCD has helped me to see why people feel they can't do yoga. It is mostly the, "I am NOT flexible" or "I don't look like that person when I do it" mentality. What I want to try to get people to understand is that you do NOT have to be flexible to do yoga, and you do NOT have to look like the person next to you. There are modifications for everyone! And if you are doing a modification, that is the fullest expression of that pose for you and that is OK!! Our bodies are all built differently! I was not able to do half or more of what I can do now six years ago when I started. So, be patient with yourself. Trying is half the battle. The other half is trying again!

Here's a little yoga humor for ya! :)

Tomorrow, I am going to try to start breaking down some poses so that beginners will feel more comfortable   with what they are doing AND prevent injury, and more experienced yogis can use this as a reminder, because sometimes we all need to go back to the basics!

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