Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Kauai, Oct 2015

 WHAT?!?!?!? A new blog post!! You must think you are hallucinating, right!!? Don't worry, you aren't! It is reality! Life just took over, as most of you can probably relate! I am a busy mom of two sweet, spirited girls, now 4 and 19 months! Where does the time go!? No, really, I want to know!

Yes, it has been over two years since my last post, but I have made a goal for myself to at least post two times a month, hopefully more.

Life is changing for me, as it does for all of us. Never stagnant. And, right now I am probably at my busiest I have been (I dare say EVER been - not complaining though). But, I am often reminded of how important balance is in life. Not just for moms of little kiddos, but for everyone. Finding balance between too much and too little, that that takes you to the edge without going over. And, only we know where that edge is.

Like I said, things are changing in my life, all good things (more on this later)! And, for me, coming back to my mat reminds me to find a balance. It helps me to recognize where that balance is. We are like rubber bands - elastic. We can stretch, but when stretched too far, we can break, too...yoga has taught me how to release without breaking. And, for me, my family is a constant reminder of the things that are important to me and why that balance is so vital.

As always, I invite you to come and join me on your mat on Tuesdays at 6pm at Ebb & Flow Yoga Studio in Vacaville. You may be pleasantly surprised by how much you can learn about balance off of your mat and in your lives, while actually trying to balance on your mat!

Kauai, Oct 2015

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